Highland Academy


It’s an exciting time to be part of the ministry and experience that is Highland Academy. Blessings continue to abound and there is no better time than now to make a difference for God’s Kingdom. From steady growth in enrollment and student services to continued improvements with campus grounds and facilities, our staff and faculty continue to seek new and innovative ways to uplift our mission of Developing Christ-like Characters and Lifelong Learners in our students. 

Currently, Highland Academy serves 132 students from 14 different states and 6 countries. Our enrollment has increased steadily in the last six years, and we anticipate strong continued growth for the coming school year. Most excitedly, we unveiled the new Center for Student Success this past November. We were blessed to be the recipient of a $296,000 grant that allowed us to offer Christian counseling services by a licensed school psychologist for both our academy and elementary students. Mental health is a need for our students, and we have already seen the programs implementation making positive contributions to leading our young people to Christ. Along with counseling services, we offer testing, tutoring and career exploration.

While we look to what God has in store for the future, I’m reminded of how he’s blessed in the past. It’s a privilege to serve Him each day. I’m blessed to be surrounded by such an incredible group of staff and students. In all this, I recognize there is still much to be done. We need your prayers lifted daily on behalf of Highland Academy. We invite you to seek ways to support the school, whether by participating in the many activities on campus, donating to school projects, or choosing to make an impact for a student by giving to the worthy student fund. Most students wouldn’t be at Highland if not for those who give generously on their behalf. Regardless of the avenue you choose, I’m sure we can all agree, even in the 11th hour, God is faithful and can be counted on. May God continue to honor and bless our efforts here at HA and may His return be soon.

Chadd Watkins


211 Highland Circle Dr. Portland, TN 37148

Ph: 615-325-2036  Fax: 615-325-4824



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